plan with me | february 2021 bullet journal setup | constellation


Hello friends!

We are approaching the end of January, so it’s time for February bullet journal setup. I have published a bullet journal setup video today. For February, I chose constellation theme in black and white. I used The Constellation Sticker Sets from my online shop. It was launched last week and is now ready for pre-order. If you are interested to make constellation themed bullet journal like this, check out Shainalite Shop on shopee. I have black and white version and pastel version for this set. I might use the pastel one for another month setup this year.


In this video I talked about constellations, stars, birth chart, and about the bullet journal setup itself. I think I talked more about the constellation than my setup.


For this video I have provided some journal prompts related to constellations and stars. You can use it for your journal spread. Let me know if you want me to share your answers or journal pages about it


1. When were you born? What is your sun sign?

2. Did you know about birth chart? What kind of chart / method / astrology you use to calculate it?

3. What do you think about your birth chart?

4. What are you sun, moon, and rising signs? Do they represent who you are?

5. What do you feel and think about yourself? What traits you like? What traits you dislike?

6. What do you think about destiny?



Some quick and short information about birth chart that I talked in this video :

1. It’s kind of map of the sky the moment you were born, includes the planets, constellations, asteroids, points, and how they communicate each other

2. There are some methods you can use to calculate it, but you only need your birth date, time, and place so the website can calculate it for you. The website I always use, provides some methods, birth charts, and many other options to generate it. If you are new to this, you can just simply input your information without changing anything (that’s what I mostly do, since I use tropical astrology).

3. Three main components of your birth chart are sun sign, moon sign, and rising sign. Sun represents the self, expression, and the way you see yourself. The moon represents emotions and hidden things. Rising sign represents your appearance, how the world sees you in general, and your spontaneous reaction.

4. If you have complete birth information, you can know your rising sign. If you don’t, you might only know the planet placements without rising sign and houses which the planets placed.

5. I always use to generate birth chart. This website provides many options you can choose. If you don’t understand this one, you can use because they provide some explanations about your birth chart.


6. Signs I used in my bullet journal setup :

Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) represents creativity, action, inspiration and passion.

Water signs (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio) represents emotions, intuition, and art.

Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) represents the mind, intelligence, communication and thoughts.

Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) represent the physical world, practicality, perseverance, hard work and wealth.


7. Three modalities of sign I used for weekly setup (coming out next week)

Three modalities represent the seasons

Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) : initiation, starting point, start of a season

Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) : energy focus, manifestation, middle of a season

Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) : change, adaptability, end of a season


The lessons we can take from it today :

All the signs are inside you, we are all the same.

Whatever sign you are identified with or any labels people attached to you, you are still who you are. The constellations don’t hold your destiny, you make it.

Astrology is a help for you to create the life you want. It’s not a creepy thing which can be used to attack people or to know the wealth secret. It provides the options you can choose to live your life. Your life depends on your decision to be and to do anything in this life.

For me, astrology is inspiration source.


That’s all for today’s blog, if you need more information about birth chart or astrology in general (because I’m not an astrologer), I might make a special post about it later. Thank you for reading this post, see you on the next blog post next week. Wish you a wonderful day. Bye.