Birthday Message | The Wheel

Hello, beautiful souls!
As I posted before on my instagram account @shainalite, that I made some little changes for my account in order to make it more cheerful and brighter, I decided to move birthday post into a blog post everyday. I realized that I like writing, so I'm going to use any tools available online for writing and sending messages for those who need it.

I will make this birthday post shorter and simple, just like my instagram post. Whatever message I got for the day, it will be posted here. I hope you can get some inspiration or motivation by reading any of my blog post. If you have any suggestion in order to improve my blog or my instagram account, you can reach out to me. I will appreciate any message you send and work hard to create a peaceful place on internet.


Happy birthday to all June 1st babies all around the world! May your days be showered by blessing and happiness. As usual, I always draw a random keyword everyday for birthday post. This time, it's WHEEL. It reminds me of The Wheel of Fortune in the tarot. I heard "the wheel is turning in your favor" as the keyword for today appeared.

It can be a sign that you have learned more stuff and you get better understanding of this life, then you take responsibility and finally you get it! It's like when the first time you learn to drive a car, it might be hard to concentrate or to recognize which feature to use, but as you build the muscle for driving, you get used to it, you are now a driver. You drive even without thinking step by step how to drive safely. You just know it. Then the situation around you supports your improved skill by sending you smooth trip, green lights or less busy road.

That's what I get from the WHEEL that appeared for today's birthday keyword. You are slowly getting used to how this life operating, you finally understand the laws that run in your life that has been running your life even though you didn't recognize it. You are now consciously taking charge of your life and fully being the driver of your own life. You choose the destination, you choose the car, you choose the route, you choose everything the best for you. It's not because you don't need anyone else, but you just simply know it, you know what's the best for you. 

Wow. I didn't expect it to be a great message. Once again, happy birthday to you all the gemini babies! I hope you find something you need here, thank you for stopping by, see you on the next post! ^^